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Our Ethos

The Cygnets Milton Pre-School is a well-established setting, in a purpose-built building on the Milton Primary School site, which is in the in heart of the Milton community. We have a well-established and experienced staff team at Cygnets. All practitioners have a genuine and deep care and passion for the Early Years and children’s development and wellbeing which is an asset to our Pre-School. We are proud to offer a safe, nurturing environment within which each child is supported on their own unique journey to make excellent progress throughout their time at Cygnets. 

Each child is valued and celebrated for their individuality, their respective backgrounds, and experiences, all of which make Cygnets a unique and diverse setting. Our Pre-School environment is engaging, calm and nurturing and the children’s happiness and wellbeing is always our number one priority. Our home-from-home atmosphere enables the children to develop a sense of security and allows them to excel in all areas of their development.


Our setting provides a language rich environment, where words are valued and children are supported to develop a lifelong love of books, stories and language through our Big Idea. Play skills are supported and developed by the use of loose parts which provides opportunity for combining selection with a high level of creativity and imagination; there are endless possibilities for how the materials can be engaged with. 

Safeguarding is at the heart of all we do. The Cygnets Milton Pre-School fully recognises the responsibility to have arrangements in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. It is the responsibility of each person within our setting and our community to report and act upon concerns within a well-understood and effective safeguarding system. 


We recognize that the development of self-regulation and social skills is essential for children to experience success in their education and throughout life. We aim to offer a consistent emotionally literate environment where mindfulness and other lifelong skills for emotional regulation are taught and supported.

We value working together with children’s parents/carers and shared settings, to gain a holistic view of each child. We aim to share with each primary caregiver our understanding of their child’s development to empower parents. This is achieved by an ongoing dialogue about home and school observations of the child, offering opportunities for active involvement in sessions and consultations. 

Passionate SENCo, ENCO and Cultural Capital leads ensure all children, irrelevant of their starting points, make sustained progress early in their pre-school journey. We recognize that many children may have factors in their lives, both short-term and long-term, which can make it more difficult to realise their full potential. We aim to work sensitively with a child’s family to implement effective interventions to overcome any barriers to learning and to effectively safeguard all children. We strive to offer a provision which is rapidly responsive to identified needs as we understand that early intervention is key to helping children to achieve the best outcomes. 

The Cygnets Milton Pre-School strives to deliver a high-quality childcare provision where all children are safe and secure for our diverse and unique community. 

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